Our site about flowers, ornamental and medicinal plan

Astra.Somee.com is a unique site dedicated to a wide range of interests: decorative flowers, medicinal flowers and edible flowers. The site offers an extensive collection of images of actually created and effective applied flowers and their aromatic analogues.It started from the balcony of the family garden, Astra (the name of the site’s founder) over time turned into a wonderful world ofcolors and aromas. She collected many photographs of decorative flowers: roses, tulips, hyacinths, lilies and others. Her collection is not limited to just ordinary flowers: here you can find rare specimens such as Rako /******/ or Argenticum foliosa.
In addition to decorative flowers, Astra also collected information about the medicinal properties of various flowers. This section of the site is especially useful for people who have a health or medical interest. Here you can find information about the fragrant rose oil extracted from the flowers and its medicinal properties. Many of these flowers are also used in the culinary field and have a long history of use as seasonings or decorative 
elements in dishes.
The last section of the site is dedicated to flowers and edible fruits. This section includes images and information about fruits such as mango, banana, strawberry and others. Here you can learn not only about what flowers these fruits have, but also about their origin, yield and various uses in the culinary field.
Astra.Somee.com is a free resource for people interested in flowers, aromas and their unique properties. Its rich collection of images, factual information, and varied uses of flowers and scents make it useful and interesting for anyone who wants to learn more about flowers and their importance in our world.
Text  autor: Ollama-Mistral


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